October 17, 2007

First appearance of the concept in a paper

The very first use of the concept "Institutional Robotics" in a scientific paper is documented by the following link (paper in Portuguese, pdf file, click to download):

SILVA, Porfírio, "Por uma robótica institucionalista: um olhar sobre as novas metáforas da inteligência artificial", in Trajectos, 5 (Outono 2004), pp. 91-102

Toward Institutional Robotics.
A view on the new metaphors of artificial intelligence.

Collective Robotics represents a deep renewal of the classic model of inquiry in Artificial Intelligence. This renewal goes on pair with new inspiring metaphors, which now become more than ever close to social sciences. A notable example of this is RoboCup, the World Championship of Robotic Soccer, which 2004’s edition took place in Lisbon.

This text, part of an ongoing critical reflection on the sciences of the artificial, starts with an account of relevant mutations Artificial Intelligence is experiencing. Afterwards, we analyse the dynamics of the new inspiring metaphors giving place to new strands of the old objective of building intelligent machines. Finally, inspired by unorthodox approaches to the philosophy of economics, we suggest an institutional approach to collective robotics.

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